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What is Trampoline and Tumbling?
We are a USA Gymnastics Member Club and compete the sport of Trampoline and Tumbling.
- Trampoline - Athletes compete a 10 skill routine. Levels 1-7 have one pass. Levels 8 and up have 2 optional routines.
- Tumbling - Depending on their level, athletes compete 2 to 8 skills. All athletes have 2 passes.
- Double Mini Trampoline - All athletes compete 2 passes involving a skill on the trampoline and a dismount skill.
What is expected of the athlete?
- The athlete must attend his/her scheduled classes. Repeated or prolonged unexcused absences may jeopardize their place on team.
- The athlete must arrive on time and ready to work, putting forth their best effort.
- The athlete must show good team support; letting their teammates know when they did a good job; and encouraging teammates when needed.
- Girls are required to wear a leotard to every practice (even team open gym), shorts may be worn with the leotard, all hair has to be put up out for her face.
- Boys must wear compression shirts and above-the-knee shorts.​
Division 1, 2, and 3 Teams
What does it cost?
Team financial requirements include but are not limited to:
Class Fees: $82 per month for 1 class a week
$130 for twice a week (41% discount on 2nd day)
$156 for three times a week (68% discount on 3rd day)
Competitor Fee: $14 per month - September through May
USAG Fee: $65 (First time athletes are $25) Parent pays USA Gymnastics when parent registers them with USAG.
Girls Leotard/Boys Outfit: $145-$200
Each Invitational Meet: $65-$80
State Championships: (required) $125
Trampoline Shoes: $42
Optional Warm-up suit about $180 (depends on current pricing from supplier)
Traveling cost... hotel, food, etc.
How many meets are required?
We require a minimum of 3 meets in a season. Our season runs approximately November through April.
REQUIRED MEETS: Sunflower Winter Invitational and State Championships.
​STRONGLY ENCOURAGED: Regional Championship, more meet info here.
Optional USAG Meets:
Candy Cane Classic - hosted at Sunflower Gymnastics
Miss Maria's meet in Olathe
Dallas Cup, Dallas, TX;
Flip Shop Classic, Joplin, MO
Regionals, Nationals (this list changes from year to year)
Regional Championships $150
National Championships $175
What does it cost?
Team financial requirements include but are not limited to:
Class Fees: $82 per month for 1 class a week
$130 for twice a week (41% discount on 2nd day)
$156 for three times a week (68% discount on 3rd day)
Competitor Fee: $8 per month
USAG Fee: First time athletes are $25- Parent pays USA Gymnastics when parent registers them with USAG.
Girls Leotard/Boys Outfit: $70 (based on current market prices)
Each Invitational Meet: $65-$80
State Championships: $125 (optional)
Trampoline Shoes: $42
Optional Warm-up suit about $180 (depends on current pricing from supplier)
Traveling cost... hotel, food, etc.
How many meets are required?
We require pre-team to compete at The USAG Candy Cane Classic (December in our gym) and The Sunflower Winter Invitational (February, at Civic Auditorium in Emporia)
Optional USAG Meets:
Miss Maria's meet in Olathe
Flip Shop Classic, Joplin, MO
State Championships (usually in Emporia)​​
What are the different levels of team at Sunflower Gymnastics?
Sunflower Gymnastics has 4 different groupings to help us progress the many athletes that we have on team. (These vary from year to year based on the dispersement of levels of the team members for that year)
Pre-Team: These athletes are competing USA Gymnastics Levels 1-3
Division 3: These athletes are competing USA Gymnastics Levels 2-4
Division 2: These athletes are competing USA Gymnastics Levels 5-6
Division 1: These athletes are competing USA Gymnastics Levels 7-Elite.
What are some of the benefits?
- Athletes on team work to improve form, skills, confidence and ability to overcome obstacles.
- Team members are pushed harder than in recreational class, always with our goal being to build up the athlete, not to break them down.
- Friendships that help the athletes grow. We are proud to have seen so many wonderful positive relationships come out of our gym. These relationships help build confidence that is so vital as these children grow into adults.
What is Team Open Gym?
- Team members are able to take part in our weekly TEAM Open Gym, a 1 hour work out at no extra charge. This is scheduled for Wednesday 7:15-8:15 for the 2023-24 School Year.
- This is a time when team members may come in to work on drills and skills for team.
- Coaches are present but teaching another class at this time, so any coaching or spotting of team members is not guaranteed to be available.
What about fundraisers?
We start our fundraising process most often in mid-September after we have had our parent meeting.
We have several different fund raising options. No matter what they choose to do, all of the net profits(money left over after the items your child sold have been paid for), are then supplied to the party responsible for payment of fees to keep in their possession until needed.
What is expected of the parents?
- Parents are expected to be their athletes biggest cheerleader. This means we need you to fill them with pride when they learn a new skill or are working hard in the gym.
- Be patient when they hit a wall in their progress (every athlete does). This does not mean they are not trying, gymnastics is a VERY mental sport.
- Let us do the coaching. This means no coaching from the sidelines, yelling at your kid does not help us build that bond of communication and trust that is required for us to grow together in the sport.
- Communicate with us. Visit with us quietly before or after class, shoot us an email, let us know if you have a concern. Let us know if there is something going on in your athletes life that could be affecting their performance.
- REQUIRED. All team members are required to have AT LEAST one volunteer (parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle, etc.) for the Sunflower Winter Invitational. This meet is usually in early to mid February at the Civic Auditorium and is the largest meet in Kansas as well as ALL the surrounding states. There are LOTS of jobs you can help with!
- Pay your fees on time. Class fees, meet fees, leotard fees, these all have deadlines and must be followed.
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